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Whether you’re designing your dream house or looking to upgrade your foundation, custom cabinetry can elevate your space to the next level. If you think about the standard “kitchen” cabinet, those can be used in any room outside the kitchen to provide more storage space for your stuff. Customization throughout your house creates a more polished, cohesive look. Think about what you need to store and how much space you need to store it before starting this process.


The bathroom is a great place to start when adding custom cabinetry to your house. You can always use more storage space for your various towels and toiletries. This is also a great time to add a custom vanity for yourself if that’s something you’re interested in. Think about the various cabinets you can use to store any makeup or beauty products. You can even take it a step further by creating a “his and hers” vanity set up with custom cabinetry on each side. Slide out drawers can be really handy as well as built in outlets for any hairstyling tools.

Dining Rooms

Another great room to add custom cabinets to is the dining room. Cabinets with a glass front are the perfect way to display fine china. Or, if your dining room is an extension of your kitchen, these cabinets can be used as extra storage space for your cooking utensils that don’t get used as often. The dining room is typically used to entertain/host larger crowds, so you can also use cabinets to store any special platters and dinnerware used in those circumstances as well.

Laundry Rooms

Cabinets can be used to make the laundry room a more appealing and functional space. You need somewhere to store all your soaps, fabric softeners, and cleaning supplies. Having a designated space for all of your supplies can remove a lot of unwanted clutter from the laundry room. Creating customized cabinets that frame your washer and dryer is the best way to make the space look more polished.

Entertainment Rooms

Creating a state-of-the-art entertainment room is easy with custom cabinetry. Much like the laundry room, it’s best to use the cabinets to frame the TV, making it the focal point of the room. Another great tip is to use cabinets for lowers and open shelving for uppers to store photographs and other décor or memorabilia.

The possibilities are endless with custom cabinetry. You can incorporate them into any room for added aesthetics and functionality. Not to mention, custom cabinets throughout the house will tie each room together for a more cohesive design. Connect with our design team by phone at (772) 234-0155 or by email at signatureinfo@signatureofvero.com to help bring organization and style to your space!