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Our kitchens are some of the highest traffic, high-use spaces in our homes. Because of this, they can also easily become the most disorganized. Like many during quarantine, we watched Get Organized with The Home Edit as it made its Netflix debut and immediately wanted to get to work on organizing our own spaces. Here are some tips we learned from the ladies of The Home Edit: 


The pantry:

While The Home Edit girls don’t have a one-size-fits-all system, they always recommend breaking things into categories vs. their traditional rainbow system. Look at your items and break them into groups like snacks, dinner, baking, kids, or health foods. Another tip? The smaller the space, the more meticulous you need to be with your organizing strategy. 


The fridge: 

Just like with other areas of the home, The Home Edit suggests starting with taking EVERYTHING out to take inventory. While everything is out, deep clean the inside of the fridge while you’re at it. While everything is out, group like items together and divide your fridge into sections so you can visualize where everything will go when you put it back. The final step? Contain and label! Keeping items in containers within the fridge ensures that keeping your fridge and freezer clean and organized will be easier to maintain. The bottom line? It takes effort to make sure you put everything back in the right place. Plus, don’t buy groceries you don’t need or don’t use to avoid throwing away food. 



Once again, take everything out of your drawers so you can see just how much you have. It may surprise you! Chances are, there are plenty of utensils that you can consign or donate. Less is more when it comes to kitchen items and appliances. Focus on quality and not quantity. Invest in drawer dividers that fit the size of your drawers to keep your hard work in place when you start to put things back. While you have everything out, maybe now is a good time to evaluate if you liked where things were located around your kitchen too!


Special stations: 

Consider creating special stations for your favorite things! Do you love a gourmet morning coffee? Create a specific counter space, coffee cabinet, or coffee cart for everything you need, all in one place. Bringing in fun decor can bring personality and function together too! 

Want some of these amazing organizational features built-in? Our team is ready to design custom cabinets and the pantry of your dreams! Get in touch and schedule a design consultation! Call us at  (772) 234-0155 or email us at signatureinfo@signatureofvero.com.